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Takashi URAOKAVSIbrahim Al Qaed

Ibrahim Al Qaed
0 wins
17位 | 2024JPBA Ranking | - |
Best16('09,'06,'02,etc..) | The best performance in All JAPAN CHAMPIONSHP | - |
0.4239(39/92) | Winning percentage after best16 | - |
0.6477(57/88) | Total winning percentage on hill to hill | - |
0.0957(18/188) | Finals/best16 | - |
Scoreline of Takashi URAOKA and Ibrahim Al Qaed (1 - 1 / 1 lines)
Takashi URAOKA |
Ibrahim Al Qaed |
7 | 17.12.2024Winners round 12024 Asian 10ball Championship64-16 | 3 |