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Hideaki ARITAVSDaisuke SAKAI
99位 | 2024JPBA Ranking | - |
Best32('18) | The best performance in All JAPAN CHAMPIONSHP | Best16('15) |
0.3333(2/6) | Winning percentage after best16 | 0.0000(0/1) |
0.4839(15/31) | Total winning percentage on hill to hill | 0.6400(16/25) |
0.0000(0/39) | Finals/best16 | 0.0769(1/13) |
Scoreline of Hideaki ARITA and Daisuke SAKAI (1 - 4 / 4 lines)
Hideaki ARITA |
Daisuke SAKAI |
8 | 03.09.2022Losers round Finals2022 Japan OpenWest Japan Qualify Group-3 | 6 |
Hideaki ARITA |
Daisuke SAKAI |
11 | 21.09.2019Round of 642019 Grand Prix East 6thQ-group11 | 7 |
Hideaki ARITA |
Daisuke SAKAI |
6 | 15.07.2018Round of 1282018 Japan OpenQ-group11 128-16 | 9 |
10 | 16.06.2018Round of 642018 Grand Prix East 3rdQ-group11 | 7 |