Shounosuke KOMIYA
1 wins
Shounosuke KOMIYA
1 wins
- | 2024JPBA Ranking | 20位 |
- | The best performance in All JAPAN CHAMPIONSHP | Best16('23,'06,'01,etc..) |
0.0000(0/1) | Winning percentage after best16 | 0.4228(52/123) |
0.5500(11/20) | Total winning percentage on hill to hill | 0.5000(49/98) |
0.3043(7/23) | Finals/best16 | 0.1613(40/248) |
Shounosuke KOMIYA |
Kenichi UCHIGAKI |
9 | 07.04.2018Round of 642018 Grand Prix East 2ndQ-group11 | 10 |
9 | 10.03.2018Round of 642018 Grand Prix East 1stQ-group11 | 2 |
Shounosuke KOMIYA |
Kenichi UCHIGAKI |
4 | 20.07.2015Round of 1282015 Japan Open | 9 |