和田知子VSMasako ISO

0 wins

3 wins

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-JPBA Ranking-
Best4The best performance in JPBA EastG3Runner-up
0.0000(0/2)Winning percentage after best160.3077(12/39)
0.5000(1/2)Total winning percentage on hill to hill0.5714(4/7)
Comparison of past ranking
Scoreline of 和田知子 and Masako ISO (1 - 3 / 3 lines)



Masako ISO

5 06.10.2002Quarter-finals2002 East Japan Ladies Tour 6th 8
5 25.08.2002Quarter-finals2002 East Japan Ladies Tour 5th 8
7 14.07.2002Round of 162002 East Japan Ladies Tour 4th 8