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Ichiro KITATANIVSMasaki Matsuoka
- | JPBA Ranking | - |
Best32('98,'88,'87,etc..) | The best performance in All JAPAN CHAMPIONSHP | Best4('88) |
0.5714(4/7) | Winning percentage after best16 | 0.3922(20/51) |
0.7143(5/7) | Total winning percentage on hill to hill | 0.3158(6/19) |
0.0645(2/31) | Finals/best16 | 0.0737(7/95) |
Comparison of past ranking
Scoreline of Ichiro KITATANI and Masaki Matsuoka (1 - 2 / 2 lines)
Masaki Matsuoka |
W | 26.07.1998Round of 321998 Hokkaido Open | - |
8 | 25.07.1998Quarter-finals1998 East Japan Pro Tour 5th | 4 |